Thursday 9 June 2011

"Watchers" has now been installed in Broomhill Sculpture Gardens. Below are images of the completed work. See slide show below in previous post for information on the production of the work.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Images of the process can be seen above and will be updated weekly. Mouse over to pause the progression.

For the Broomhill Sculpture Competition 2011 I have proposed to create six cast concrete standing figures, to use as a substrate for moss growth. The figures will be life size, palms out, and be aligned in parallel facing each other, three on each side of a walking path. Original moss growth will be caused through tested moss transplant techniques and will be supplemented by continued watering and nutrition (yogurt, buttermilk, and beer) until stable. The sculptures will be structurally permanent but will change with time and adapt to the environment of the sculpture park taking on new growth and losing original. Each figure will be a variant of its cousins holding select varieties of moss and lichen. The arrangement of the figures was chosen in part to augment the sense that the viewer is walking into the world of the sculptures and that the sculptures are returning the viewers gaze. Depending on the ever changing mood of the environment (and the viewers themselves) this experience can oscillate between an uplifting or oppressive one. Either the viewer feels caught trespassing or feels welcomed and protected.

More examples of my work and biographical information can be found at

The creation of "Watchers" was sponsored by Jesmonite Ltd.. Jesmonite is an acrylic architectural product fit for sculptural use. The product is relatively easy to work with and has an ideal finish quality. Compared to fiberglass resin, Jesmonite has a more solid, non-plastic nature. The surface remains porous (an important factor in the moss growth needed for "Watchers") and can mimic concrete, stone and many other materials. The material is light weight but structural sound. The customer service at Jesmonite Ltd. is equally impressive. I called them many times through the project asking technical advice, and both Simon and Lorna were very helpful. I recommend the company and product to any artist looking for a durable, structural medium that can withstand the elements and have lasting effects.